I’m very up for Flann O’Brien foolishness (and have been since a time when it was neither profitable nor popular): (Former RPS columnist) Leigh Alexander is working on something with the co-creator of Caves Of Qud, with a concept which makes me double-take every time I read it. See this follow-up tweet for more on the people you’ll meet, and how they’ll behave. Lil Gator Game (coming to Steam) is a cutie: Certainly a mood: Rollerblading game Miszou has an attention-grabbing pitch and chill vibes, and apparently it’s set atop giant turtles: This ice cream is merely a wee tech demo but it’s cool (and looks good too): I am interested in the puzzle potential of things not moving? not existing at all? when I look away: Expect useful household hints in darkwebSTREAMER (coming to Itch), an occult horror game about trying to become the top streamer on a weird web: This great guy in DoubleShake (coming to Steam), a PS1-styled platformer inspired by games like Mischief Makers, Klonoa, and Tomba: Vast quantities of violence in the Devil May Cry-inspired metroidvania Magenta Horizon (work-in-progress version available on Itch): And of course the most important type of behind-the-scenes peek: What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?