Modder “JaySerpa” released the mod, named Locked Chests Have Keys, on Monday. It adds keys to open “the majority” of chests in Skyrim (around 300 of them), all hidden nearby in nooks and crannies and under objects and behind trinkets and inside buckets and… they’re certainly hidden. Sadly I only have regular Skyrim, not the Special Edition this requires, so I haven’t played the mod myself but the keys I have seen in videos are nice little object hunts. What a pleasingly playful idea! The mod does still let you lockpick the chests, if you want. But surely if you install this mod, you’d make the effort to hunt for the key first? Hit the Nexus and you’ll also find it translated into languages including French, German, Ukrainian, and Brazilian Portuguese. And while JaySerpa says it should be compatible with most other mods, folks modded up to their eyeballs might want some of these compatability mods. If you’re still eternally revitalising Skyrim, do also check out the recent mod which gave Skyrim a Shadow Of Mordor-style Nemesis system.