While Turtle Rock’s upcoming game dominates this week’s show, Headlines and Hot Takes is full of chat on what could be next from 2K. Apparently there’s an “exciting new franchise” coming, so we get chatting on the rumoured Marvel XCOM, and the Hangar 13 game that’s apparently a little Cthulu, a little Saints Row. We also talk about different coloured Steam Decks for a minute. As already mentioned, Show and Tell is full of chatter on Turtle Rock’s new horde-slaying game. Yes, I can’t breakdown the minute differences between the two games, but I can tell you I had a lovely time playing Back 4 Blood with Team RPS. To be fair, I also had quite a nice time playing Death Trash on my lonesome, which you can hear all about in this week’s podcast. Meanwhile, Matthew’s been cutting some grass in Lawn Mowing Simulator. This week’s Mystery Steam Reviews is all about video games with romance options. And we round out the show by opening The Weekspot mailbag to answer your Burning Questions on mobile games, skateboarding, and feeling horrible. If you’ve got any Burning Questions for us, you can reach us by emailing weekspot@rockpapershotgun.com, or you can stick them in the comments here.