While we dedicate a fair bit of time to the game of the moment in this week’s episode, we also go through some of the bigger news stories of the last fortnight. Headlines and Hot Takes is full of chat on Microsoft and Bethesda making their relationship official, as well as what Square Enix might have planned for their upcoming Square Enix Presents showcase. Also, in Tech Corner, we discuss some nightmare facial tracking in virtual reality. But, yes, Show and Tell focuses on Four Quarters’ hit new game, Loop Hero. It’s a tough one to describe, because there aren’t many others like it, but I give it a go on this podcast. The main thing you need to know is that it is one of this year’s best games, so far. Also, I bring the Prince Of Persia-like from a few months back, Olija, to the table. This week’s Mystery Steam Reviews is an easy one to explain, as it’s all about games with female protagonists. A simple theme doesn’t mean this one isn’t rife with arguments, though. And we round out the show by opening The Weekspot mailbag to answer your Burning Questions on funny games, how we pronounce words, and whether we prefer this or that. If you’ve got any Burning Questions for us, you can reach us by emailing weekspot@rockpapershotgun.com, or you can stick them in the comments here.