Yeah, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands looks as I’d expected: an expanded continuation of the Tiny Tina’s Assault On Dragon Keep Borderlands 2 DLC. Aside from a brief look at the table-top inspired overworld, the remainder of the footage shows off the game’s fantasy take on Borderlands’ colourful looting and shooting. Instead of bog-standard assault rifles and grenades, you’ve got crossbows and flashy spells, which is welcome. I’m really into the magic wave-shooter thing that uses crystals for ammo. As for the classes, we get a first look at the Clawbringer with its wyvern companion and big hammer, as well as the Spellshot who creates mystical shields and fiery waves. They even reveal that you can select a second class later in the game, so here’s hoping you can let loose with lots of fun skill combinations. Mainly, though, I’m taken by the environments. The snowy towns and dark caverns shown here look gorgeous and offer just as much, if not more, opportunities to get flanks on and chew through little orcs with axes and thunder. So, count me in. The game looks like a solid Borderlands spin-off that knows what made those games tick and ramps them up a notch. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands launches on March 25th on the Epic Games Store and will come to Steam later in 2022.