Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle July 23 hints

If you want some help coming up with the Wordle answer today, see if these clues can be of assistance:

This word contains two vowels. The middle letter is “D”. It refers to a type of insect.

Today’s Wordle answer July 23

Today’s Wordle answer is: MIDGE. A midge is a small insect, typically found in swarms near water and during hot weather. They’re also a pest to plants and, hey, this is the second time in three days that the Wordle solution has been the name of an insect that’s a particular annoyance to gardeners. You’d almost think someone’s got a grudge going (and probably some absolutely brutalised begonias). And if you don’t want people declaring a grudge against you, be sure not to spoil today’s Wordle answer until we’re safely into tomorrow and out of the danger zone. For help improving your Wordle technique, check out our guide to the best Wordle starting words you can use to give you a strong headstart. We’ve also put together a list of all of the past Wordle answers for you to check your guesses against.